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    Sample Required Urine

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    Preperations Required 24 H urine: 24 hour Urine should be collected in mug and transferred to relevant Urine container with or without preservative. 20 ml of aliqout to be send to lab in refrigerated condition along with clinical history and mention Urine volume of 24 Hr collected sample for calculation purpose. Time of collection, start time to end time and exclude first urine sample and include last voided urine sample. Many analytes like VMA, 5 HIAA, adrenaline may require drug avoidance as well as bananas, tea , coffee , cold drink avoidance for accurate results and such history to be conveyed to lab.

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    Gender Male & Female

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    Age Group 0 - 99 Years

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    Collection AtHome & Lab

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17-OHCS is a product formed when the liver and other body tissues break down the steroid hormone cortisol. This test can help determine if the body is producing too much cortisol. The test may be used to diagnose Cushing syndrome . This is a disorder that occurs when the body has a constant high level of cortisol.

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