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    Sample Required METAL FREE VIAL (PLAIN) & EDTA

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    Preperations Required This trace element serum tube contains a clot activator. Glass tubes or regular gel tube should not be used. Invert the tube 8 to 10 times to mix the clot activator with the blood. Allow the specimen to sit at room temperature for 30minutes and then centrifuge immediately. Do not insert wooden stick or utensil or pipette into the specimen. Transfer sample by pouring only. Pour 3 ml serum into a trace element-free transport tube within two hours of collection.Avoid collecting the specimen in an area where environmental contamination is likely to occur. Use only stainless steel needles and non-powdered gloves when handling and collecting. Wash the collection site with soap and water, followed by an alcohol swab. Do not use disinfectants containing iodine. When multiple blood specimens need to be collected from one patient, the trace elements sample should be the first tube collected

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    Gender Male & Female

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    Age Group 0 - 99 Years

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    Collection AtHome & Lab

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    1 Observations included

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The Heavy and Trace Metals Profile-1/Metal Toxin Assessment Panel 1 is a comprehensive test designed to measure the levels of various heavy metals and trace elements in the body. It includes analysis for Aluminum, Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Selenium, and Zinc. This panel helps in assessing potential toxicity or deficiencies, providing important insights into overall health and exposure to harmful metals.

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