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    Sample Required Spot Urine

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    Preperations Required No specific preparation required

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    Gender Male & Female

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    Age Group 0 - 99 Years

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    Collection AtHome & Lab

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    3 Observations included

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A microalbumin urine test measures small amounts of albumin, a protein, in the urine, which may indicate early kidney damage, especially in individuals with diabetes or hypertension. Increased levels of microalbumin can be an early sign of kidney disease, allowing for timely intervention. This test is valuable for monitoring kidney function and assessing the risk of progression to more severe kidney conditions.

What is the Microalbumin (Spot Urine) Test ?

A Urine Microalbumin Test is a test to detect very small levels of a Blood Protein (Albumin) in your Urine. A Microalbumin Test is used to detect early signs of Kidney damage in people who are at risk of developing Kidney disease.

What is the Purpose of the Microalbumin (Spot Urine) Test ?

The Microalbumin (Spot Urine) Test helps to detect early Kidney damage by measuring small amounts of albumin in Urine. It’s especially useful for people with Diabetes or Hypertension, as early albumin detection allows for timely intervention. This test supports Kidney health management and can prevent further damage.

When is a Microalbumin (Spot Urine) Test Recommended ?

The following are a few signs that could indicate the need for a Microalbumin (Spot Urine) Test: 
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Diabetes (Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes)
  • Swelling in feet or hands
  • Family history of kidney disease
  • Frequent Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
  • Foamy or frothy urine
  • Age above 65 years

Preparation for Microalbumin (Spot Urine) Test

  • Unless otherwise directed by your doctor, there is no need for you to make any special preparations before the Microalbumin (Spot Urine) Test. 
  • Other blood tests can be carried out in addition to a Microalbumin (Spot Urine) Test. If your doctor advises you to have multiple tests at once, they may ask you to fast for a specific period of time prior to a blood test.
  • Drink adequate water before sample collection.
  • Avoid vigorous physical activity before the sample collection.
  • Drink plenty of water before the test to ensure a sufficient urine sample.
  • Follow the preparatory instructions as guided by your doctor.

What is the Cost of the Microalbumin (Spot Urine) Test ?

The Price of a Microalbumin (Spot Urine) Test is Rs. 500. However, cost of the test may fluctuate depending on following factors:
  • Other tests advised along with Microalbumin (Spot Urine) Test
  • Offers or discounts
  • Empanelment of the patient
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