World Osteoporosis Day 2024: Understanding Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Medically Reviewed by:Dr. Kanika
World Osteoporosis Day 2024: Understanding Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Every year on 20th October, World Osteoporosis Day takes place with the purpose of providing the world the platform to voice the disease that causes weakening of the bones hence fractures. This year's theme, 'Say No to Fragile Bones,' emphasizes valuing and protecting our bones at every age. Osteoporosis is a major health challenge, particularly due to the global aging population. The day educates the public, healthcare professionals, and policymakers on preventing, diagnosing, and treating osteoporosis to reduce the risk of bone fractures. Understanding this disease is important for several reasons: early intervention can significantly reduce the risk of fracture and improve the quality of life.

What is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is often called the "silent disease." It is a condition where bones weaken, losing density and strength. As bones lose their strength and density, they fracture easily. In osteoporosis, the spaces in the bone's honeycomb structure enlarge, reducing bone mass and strength. This fragility increases the risk of fractures, even from moderate falls or simple movements like bending.

Though osteoporosis is quite common among the elderly, especially postmenopausal women, it is not limited to the elderly. It develops silently and symptom-free in most cases, so screening and preventive measures are very important.

Causes of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis has many causes. Understanding them can help reduce your risk:

1. Age:

Bone achieves the highest density by early adulthood, at about age 25, and after that, it continues to shed bone density throughout the life cycle. In women, it accelerates further during menopause where estrogen, which is indispensable for bone health, is dramatically reduced. In men, loss of bone may also rise following andropause where testosterone levels, which are also important to bone health, begin to decline with age.

2. Sex:

There is a risk of increased osteoporosis incidence among females because estrogen plays an important role in maintaining the density of bone. A drastic decrease in estrogen, which may be associated with the menopause phase, leads to a faster loss of bones and thus, the vulnerability is prominent at a later age of life. However, men also experience bone loss, but it typically occurs later and progresses more slowly.

3. Genetics:

Other factors include family medical history. If you have parents or siblings who had osteoporosis sometime in their lifetime, especially if they suffered a bone fracture, your chances of having the condition would be higher. Genetics can affect peak bone mass—the amount of bone tissue developed in early adulthood—which influences the risk of osteoporosis later in life.

4. Diet:

Its use as a dietary supplement for bone development is synergistic in that both calcium and vitamin D are needed for healthy bones. Calcium supplies the 'bricks' while D enables the 'cement' to be applied, allowing calcium to be absorbed throughout the body. A prolonged lack of either nutrient results in weakened bones and susceptibility to osteoporosis. Other deficiencies, including protein, magnesium, and phosphorus, can damage bones over time as well.

5. Lifestyle:

Lifestyle factors greatly impact bone health. Smoking and excessive alcohol use are some of the leading risk factors for osteoporosis. Smoking prevents the body from getting much-needed calcium intake, while excessive alcohol consumption can hinder the development of bones, and the likelihood of falling is increased.

A sedentary lifestyle results in poor bone health as exercising promotes bone remodeling and strengthens the skeletal structure.

6. Medications:

Long-term use of certain drugs may lead to osteoporosis. Some examples of such drugs are the long-term use of corticosteroids, which are used in treatments such as asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease. Some such drugs may minimize the formation of bone and accelerate the destruction of bones. Other medicines that fall under these categories include seizure medications, as well as some cancer drugs, where over time they have resulted in the weakening of bones.

Symptoms and Signs of Osteoporosis

People often refer to osteoporosis as the 'silent disease’  because in most cases, it does not cause any signs of a definite problem in the early stages. Most people realize they have osteoporosis when a fracture occurs. In its severe stages, however, some signs appear that may warn of bone weakness predisposition:

  • Fractures: Fractures are the most serious complication of osteoporosis, often occurring in the hip, spine, wrist, and shoulder due to minor falls or even simple movements.
  • Loss of height: Osteoporosis weakens the vertebrae or even collapse, resulting in a slow loss of height over time.
  • Curved posture: When the spinal bones start to weaken, they may cause the spine to curve. This will give a stooping or hunched posture, which is referred to as kyphosis.
  • Back pain: Chronic back pain is caused by vertebral fractures and spinal compression because of thinning bones.

In fact, in most instances, the first symptom of osteoporosis is a fracture. It thus calls for preventive measures and routine screening, especially for those with risk factors.

Diagnosis of Osteoporosis

Early diagnosis of osteoporosis prevents many fracture cases and helps to effectively manage the condition. The most common test used in the diagnosis of osteoporosis is the Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry, or DEXA scan, which measures bone mineral density. It is a pain-free and two-minute test in which your bone density is matched up against a standard spine of healthy young adults (T-score) and your age group and gender-matched standard (Z-score).

  • T-score of -1 or higher: T-score compares your bone density to that of a healthy adult. A score below -2.5 indicates osteoporosis.
  • Z-score: This score compares your bone density to others of the same age, gender, and size. A low Z-score might indicate that more than just aging is occurring with your bones; further medical evaluation may be warranted.

In addition to a diagnosis, you may also be tested for blood levels of calcium and vitamin D, for thyroid abnormalities as well as markers of bone turnover.

Osteoporosis Treatment

While osteoporosis cannot be cured, treatment focuses on strengthening bones and preventing fractures. Treatment often comes with lifestyle changes, along with medication.

1. Lifestyle Changes:

  • Diet: This will maintain the bones healthy if calcium and vitamin D are taken in a sufficient amount. Calcium is found in dairy products, leafy greens, and fortified foods, as well as in all fatty fish, especially salmon, and sardines. For vitamin D, that could be through sun exposure along with intakes of fatty fish, egg yolks, and fortified cereals.
  • Exercise: Weight-bearing exercises like walking, running, and strength training can help encourage bone building and strengthen the skeletal system. Additionally, balance and flexibility exercises like yoga and tai chi can also reduce the risk of falling.
  • Smoke and alcohol avoidance: Lifestyle changes have seen a lot in reducing the rate of bone loss and strengthening bone strength.

2. Medications:

  • Bisphosphonates: These slow down bone loss and decrease the chance of fractures. They are the most commonly prescribed class of drugs for osteoporosis.
  • Hormone therapy: Menopause may also be accompanied by hormone replacement therapy, which maintains bone density by replacing the lost estrogen. However, the associated risks of HRT would need to be discussed with a doctor.
  • Other medicines: More recent medications include a monoclonal antibody, denosumab, and a recombinant parathyroid hormone, teriparatide, both of which are reserved for those at an increased risk of experiencing fractures.


Osteoporosis can only be identified in the case of fracture, yet this condition is preventable and controllable and can be managed early to protect the bones. It is exactly this aspect that World Osteoporosis Day aims to share with the public proactive in protecting bone health. That is changing lifestyle, medication, or early screening, among others, that can help lower the odds of getting fractures and the associated osteoporosis. This understanding of the cause, symptoms, and treatment options will help and enable you to make informed choices that will guide your bone health and help reduce your risk of this potentially debilitating disease.

Prioritize your bone health by maintaining a balanced diet, staying active, and getting regular health check-ups.

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