Mumps virus, parainfluenza types 1 through 4, respiratory syncytial virus, and measles virus are classified in the family Paramyxovirdae. Mumps is an acute infection that causes the painful enlargement of the salivary glands in approximately 70% to 90% of children (4-15 years of age) who develop clinical disease. In 5% to 20% of postpubertal individuals, testicular pain (orchitis in males) and abdominal pain (oophoritis in females) can occur. Other complications include pancreatitis (<5% of cases) and central nervous system disease (meningitis/encephalitis), which occur rarely (about 1 in 6,000 cases of mumps). The laboratory diagnosis of mumps is typically accomplished by detection of antibody to mumps virus. Ref. value: Negative Index value 0.00-0.79=negative