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    Sample Required SEMEN

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    Preperations Required The specimen must reach the lab within one hour of collection. Collection using condoms is not allowed. The patient should refrain from ejaculation for 2 to 7 days, with a recommendation of 3 days prior to the test. The sample should be collected through masturbation. Before collection, the patient should urinate, cleanse the genital area with warm water, dry it completely, and ensure that the entire ejaculate is collected.

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    Gender Male

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    Age Group 0 - 99 Years

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    Collection At Lab

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    1 Observations included

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    Results with in 8 Hours

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NABL Certified Labs


Semen is composed of spermatozoa suspended in seminal fluid (plasma). The function of the seminal fluid is to provide nutrition and volume for conveying the spermatozoa to the endocervical mucus. Male infertility can be affected by a number of causes. Chief among these is a decrease in the number of viable sperm. Other causes include sperm with abnormal morphology and abnormalities of the seminal fluid.

What is Test

Semen is composed of Spermatozoa suspended in seminal fluid (Plasma). The function of the seminal fluid is to provide Nutrition and volume for conveying the spermatozoa to the endocervical mucus. Male Infertility can be affected by a number of causes. Chief among these is a decrease in the number of viable sperm. Other causes include sperm with abnormal morphology and abnormalities of the seminal fluid. 

What Is The Purpose

This test is most often advised to assess a male's or any Sperm producer's Fertility. Semen analysis can also be used to evaluate the outcomes of a vasectomy. Around three months following a vasectomy, Doctors can perform a Semen analysis to make sure there is no Sperm in the Semen, indicating that the patient is no longer Fertile.

When Profile Recommended

If you have following conditions, then Semen Analysis is advised:
  • Failing to make your partner conceive for an extended period (one year) without success
  • Concerns regarding low sperm count or motility issues
  • Painful or difficult ejaculation
  • Noticeable decrease in semen volume
  • Persistent testicular discomfort, swelling, or lumps
  • Decreased libido 
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Known history of male infertility or recurrent pregnancy loss
  • Conditions like varicocele, diabetes, or previous surgeries (e.g., vasectomy or testicular surgery)
  • Exposure to harmful chemicals, radiation, or any genetic concerns that may affect fertility
  • Difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection, affecting reproductive ability
  • After undergoing surgeries like vasectomy reversal or treatments related to reproductive health


  • Refrain from ejaculation for 2-5 days before the test to ensure an optimal sperm sample.
  • Do not consume alcohol, recreational drugs, or medications that may affect sperm production, motility, or quality, at least 48 hours before the sample collection.
  • Drink plenty of water in the days leading up to the test.
  • Avoid using lubricants during sample collection, as they can interfere with sperm motility.
  • Follow all the preparatory instructions as guided by your doctor.


The Price of an Semen Analysis is Rs. 400. However, cost of the test may fluctuate depending on following factors:
  • Other tests advised along with Semen Analysis
  • Offers or discounts
  • Empanelment of the patient
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