Habit Hacks: 5 Simple Secrets to Transform Your Health Routine

Medically Reviewed by:Dr. Kanika
Habit Hacks: 5 Simple Secrets to Transform Your Health Routine

People's quality of life in terms of health is enhanced by healthy habits, which help prevent diseases. Stress, however, is one of the primary risk factors linked to major health issues in the individual. Consequently, research points to a connection between stressless life, health-related quality of life, and good habits.

Something that becomes second nature to you and is frequently done without conscious thought or effort is called a habit. A set of deliberate, collective, and repeating actions that are intended to enhance an individual's physical, social, and mental well-being are known as healthy habits. While some habits are bad, others are good. It's beneficial to your mental and physical health to form good habits and break bad ones. One of the primary reasons for the rise in the prevalence of non-communicable diseases worldwide is poor lifestyle and unhealthy habits. The diseases are arterial hypertension, obesity, osteoporosis, diabetes and various types of cancer.

However, healthy habits such as regular exercising and taking a healthy and balanced diet can improve health-related quality of life and decrease the risk of diseases. Developing new routines can be difficult. It is particularly difficult to make all the changes at once. Setting modest, doable, and realistic goals is simpler. This boosts your self-esteem and motivates you to set and achieve more habit goals. To start forming healthy exercise habits, for instance, go for short walks most days of the week. After you've established the habit, you can progress to more strenuous exercise or increased walking frequency.

It could take you a few months to form a new routine. The key to forming a habit is repetition. The exercise needs to be a part of your daily schedule. If the habit is something you genuinely want to develop and it corresponds with your beliefs, it may help.

Events are the catalyst for many habits. For instance, using the loo triggers you to wash your hands. Try to incorporate triggers for your new habit into your daily routine to help it stick. Setting triggers that are also connected to activities you find enjoyable might be beneficial. This may assist you in developing your habit.

Impact of Unhealthy Lifestyle on Our Lives

Of all the variables influencing overall health and disease resistance, lifestyle is both the most influential and controllable. Globally, non-communicable diseases cause over 60% of all deaths. As a result, the biggest threat to global health is the ongoing increase in the number of cases of chronic diseases. Chronic illnesses are now the primary cause of health problems, disability, and early death in the majority of industrialized nations.

Several studies indicate that positive lifestyle choices pave the way for good health whereas unhealthy lifestyle habits increase the risk of developing noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). Numerous illnesses, such as cardiovascular disease (acute myocardial infarction, angina, stroke), which are leading causes of death globally, are linked to obesity. 

The increase in obesity has drawn attention to lifestyle choices as a major contributor to illness in the modern era. It has also been reported recently that there is mounting evidence linking both the quantity and quality of sleep to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) like cardiovascular illnesses. Furthermore, research has demonstrated the efficacy of lifestyle modifications linked to health in lowering the prevalence of a wide range of illnesses, including non-communicable diseases (NCDs) like diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Additionally, these illnesses rank among the top global causes of death.

Advantages of a Healthy Lifestyle

Adopting a healthy lifestyle in a day is definitely a difficult task. If we adopt healthy habits in our routines gradually by making small milestones, then this difficult task certainly becomes very easy. Healthy habits open doors to increased energy levels, improved ability to stay away from infections, happy moods, and mental peace. Therefore, even if it is tough and boring, developing a healthy lifestyle is very beneficial for your sound body and mind. 

Following are the advantages of healthy lifestyle:

  • Immunity strengthening
  • Increased life expectancy
  • Low healthcare expenditure
  • Enhanced vitality
  • Better cognition
  • Better quality of sleep
  • Better mood

5 Simple Secrets to Transform Your Health Routine

Following are the simple ways that can help you to transform your health routine:

  • Never skip your breakfast: Having breakfast helps you stay energized throughout the day, boosts your metabolism, and delivers vital nutrients. Skipping breakfast may cause you to be exhausted, lethargic, and may weaken your body.
  • Avoid overeating & cut down on fatty and fast foods: Overindulging in high-fat or fast-food items can result in weight gain, cardiovascular disease, and other health problems. Opt for wholesome, well-balanced meals instead. Low fat and low calorie food enhances your body activity levels
  • Incorporate daily 30-minute exercising in your routine: Regular exercise helps control weight, strengthens muscles, elevates mood, and enhances cardiovascular health. Strength training facilitates the body's conversion of fat into muscle mass. However, these exercises can also help you gain bone density, strengthen your heart, and lose weight. Perform strength-training activities, such as weightlifting, push-ups, and lunges, at least twice every week.
  • Manage and reduce stress by meditation: Focus and clarity are improved, stress levels are lowered, and emotional well-being is encouraged through meditation.
  • Get regular check-ups done to keep check on your health status: Regular check-ups can identify possible health problems early on, allowing for prompt intervention and improved overall management of health.


Even though it may seem uncontrollable, a number of healthy habits can help you live a long and healthy life. A plant-based diet, stopping smoking, managing stress, exercising, and getting enough sleep are a few of these. For your long-term health and well-being, you should also limit your alcohol intake, find joy, drink coffee or tea, and practice meditation. When combined, these practices can improve your health and set you up for a long life. Moreover, keeping a check on your overall well being through regular check-ups is also very essential for living a healthy and long life.

Choose Dr. B. Lal Labs for getting regular health checkups and taking control of your health in your own hands. Book your health package now and develop this healthy habit from today. 


Q1: How does one live a long life?

A: There is strong evidence that the best way to increase your chances of living a long and active life is to heed the advice your parents probably gave you, which is to eat healthily, exercise on a regular basis, get plenty of sleep, and avoid indulging bad habits.

Q2: What is the rule of 1% habit?

A: You will become thirty-seven times better by the end of the year if you can improve by 1 percent every day. On the other hand, if you deteriorate by 1% every day for a year, you will decline nearly down to zero.

Q3: Why Healthy Lifestyle is Important?

A: Healthy lifestyle can enhance your life expectancy by lowering the risk of diseases and improving the overall health parameters.

Q4: What is the effect of healthy habits on the aging process?

A: Regular exercising allows older people to maintain strong immune systems, muscle mass, and cholesterol levels, slowing a number of aging processes. Researchers also indicate that exercise can improve memory as well as various other brain functions.

Q5: How do healthy habits affect the immune system?

A: Healthy habits like healthy eating, regular exercising, and meditation can enhance the immune system responses in your body, increasing your defense against various diseases.

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