Every year on September 29, the world observes World Heart Day as a way to promote heart health and increase awareness of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). It acts as a reminder to people, governments, and health organizations to be proactive in preventing heart-related illnesses, which continue to be the world's top cause of death. By raising awareness of cardiovascular illnesses and promoting prevention, we can help people all across the world live longer, healthier lives.
Over 7,00,000 people in India succumb to sudden cardiac death each year. The World Heart Federation established World Heart Day in order to address this issue globally. This important day was established in 2000 with the goal of raising public awareness of cardiovascular disease (CVD) among common people. In general, it is focused on spreading awareness on warning signs, preventative measures, and advice on how to assist those who might be in need. Let’s unite to raise awareness about heart health and celebrate World Heart Day by wishing each other a Happy World Heart Day!. Continue reading to learn about this year's subject, this day's significance, and its history.
The mission of World Heart Day, which is to raise awareness of heart health issues and encourage good lifestyle choices and preventive activities, is enormously significant. With 18.6 million deaths a year, cardiovascular illnesses are the world's largest cause of death. For this reason, raising public awareness through events like World Heart Day is crucial to imparting knowledge about risk factors and how to manage them.
World Heart Day has a significant global impact. Communities, governments, and healthcare providers try to combat cardiovascular diseases by spreading heart health awareness among masses. Many regions, particularly in low- and middle-income countries that are more prone to negative impact of heart disease, this day holds a great significance as a platform to inform people about the risks of neglecting heart health.
The day serves as a reminder that cardiovascular illnesses can strike anyone at any age, gender, or socioeconomic level. This provides a forum for advocating for equitable access to cardiac care, particularly in places of poverty where resources may be limited.
The theme of 'Use Heart for Action' will guide World Heart Day from 2024 to 2026, encouraging individuals to take meaningful steps for heart health on this healthy heart day. It will empower people to demand that ‘healthcare leaders give cardiovascular health serious consideration’ while also urging them to prioritize their own heart health. By highlighting the significance of purposeful, significant activities, this theme offers a worldwide forum for meaningful action for the cause. It represents a change from just bringing attention to issues to giving people a purpose and set of defined goals. "Action" emphasizes the necessity of consistent efforts and teamwork by capturing the dual strategy of influencing policy and promoting lifestyle modification as well as incorporation of physical exercise in their routine.
World Heart Day was created by the World Heart Federation (WHF) in 1999 in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO). The first official celebration took place on September 24, 2000 to highlight the growing burden of heart disease and stroke. These conditions are often preventable through healthy lifestyle changes, and the initiative was launched to promote awareness and encourage preventive measures on a global scale. Initially, the day was observed on the last Sunday of September. However, in 2011, the WHF decided to fix the date to September 29 each year to standardize the event and create greater global visibility.
Following are the essential blood tests for heart that are also included in our Cardiac Suraksha Package:
A troponin test determines how much troponin is present in a blood. A protein called troponin is present in the heart muscle cells. This testing helps in determining the risk of heart attacks. Heart muscle cells that receive no oxygen from the blood die and release troponin. The results of a troponin test can verify that a heart attack has caused damage to the heart muscle or not.
It is done to measure the levels of C-reactive proteins in the blood with high sensitivity. This protein is released by the liver in the body when inflammation occurs. Therefore, High Sensitive CRP test helps in determining inflammation levels in the body.
This Lipid Profile blood test helps to determine your total blood cholesterol level, HDL-cholesterol (good cholesterol), and the level of LDL-cholesterol (bad cholesterol). It can help to analyze your risk of getting high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, and other heart diseases. High blood cholesterol levels enhance the risk of developing coronary artery disease and atherosclerosis.
The SGOT (AST) test measures an enzyme linked to heart and liver health. Elevated levels can indicate heart muscle damage, such as from a heart attack, making it a useful tool for evaluating heart health and detecting acute myocardial infarction.
The SGPT (ALT) test primarily measures liver health, but elevated levels can also indicate heart muscle damage. This makes it a useful, though indirect, marker for evaluating heart health when combined with other cardiac tests.
The urea test measures blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels to assess kidney function. Healthy kidneys are crucial for maintaining overall cardiovascular health. Elevated urea levels can indicate poor kidney function, which is linked to hypertension and increased cardiovascular risk. Thus, the urea test indirectly contributes to heart health evaluation.
The creatinine test assesses kidney function, with elevated levels indicating potential kidney issues. Since poor kidney health is linked to higher cardiovascular risk, this test indirectly helps evaluate heart health.
The Thyroid Profile test is significant for heart health as thyroid hormones directly impact heart rate, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. Abnormal thyroid function can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, making this test essential for evaluating heart health.
This Lipoprotein A test is done to get a better picture of your risk for various heart diseases.
This Apolipoprotein Ratio test is also done to better analyze the risk of getting heart disease.
The Homocysteine test assesses cardiovascular risk by measuring levels of a substance linked to heart disease and stroke. Elevated levels can indicate increased risk, making this test important for heart health evaluation.
In conclusion, World Heart Day plays a critical role in promoting heart health awareness and preventing the leading cause of death worldwide.
Choose Dr. B. Lal Lab for blood tests for heart done for accurate and reliable results. Connect with us to book your test now!
Q1: Why is World Heart Day celebrated on September 29?
A: Global health leaders got together in 2012 with the goal of reducing the death rate worldwide from non-communicable illnesses (particularly heart diseases) by 25% by 2025. They urged everyone to take action in support of this cause, and September 29 was designated as World Heart Day.
Q2: Which test reveals a heart blockage?
A: A CT coronary angiography can detect artery blockages and plaque accumulation, both of which increase the risk of a heart attack. An injection of contrast dye is given into the arm prior to the test in order to draw precise focus on the arteries. It usually takes 30 minutes to finish the test.
Q3: Which is better, ECHO or ECG?
A: An echo test is thought to be more accurate in assessing the anatomy and physiology of the cardiac muscle. This is due to the fact that an echo test provides information about the functions of the heart valve, while an ECG provides an indication for potential health conditions.