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    Sample Required EDTA BLOOD,FLOURIDE PLASMA,Serum,Spot Urine,URINE

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    Preperations Required Minimum 10-12 hours fasting is mandatory

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    Age Group 0 - 99 Years

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Diabetes testing covers tests for diagnosing diabetes and monitoring organs most vulnerable to diabetic complications, such as the kidneys and heart. Diabetes is a silent killer that goes overlooked by majority of people. If not detected and treated early, it can lead to serious life-threatening consequences. Periodic testing, on the other hand, can effectively go a long way in preventing and controlling it.

What is the Diabetes Suraksha Package?

Diabetes testing covers tests for diagnosing diabetes and monitoring organs most vulnerable to diabetic complications, such as the kidneys and heart. Diabetes is a silent killer that goes overlooked by the majority of people. If not detected and treated early, it can lead to serious life-threatening consequences. Periodic testing, on the other hand, can effectively go a long way in preventing and controlling it.

What is the purpose of the Diabetes Suraksha Package?

The Diabetes Suraksha Package is advised for the following analysis:
  • Screening: Diabetes Suraksha Package can be used to detect possible diabetes-related health problems prior to the onset of symptoms. A doctor will typically advise such extensive testing as a preventive measure during routine checkups. It might bring to light concealed issues that, if left untreated, could become problematic.
  • Diagnosis: To find the cause of symptoms like exhaustion, frequent urination, or unexplained weight loss, this package can be recommended. By offering a thorough analysis of blood sugar levels, organ function, and other vital health markers, it assists in confirming or ruling out diabetes and related disorders.
  • Monitoring: A patient's previously diagnosed diabetes and the efficacy of their treatment are tracked over time with the Diabetes Suraksha Package. Through proactive measures and early intervention, patients can take control of their condition, manage their blood sugar levels, and avoid complications with regular testing.
  • Assessing the effect of medical conditions and treatments: Additionally, this package tracks how a patient's general health is affected by other medical conditions or treatments. For example, it examines the effects of diabetes on organ function and measures the health effects of diabetes management techniques.

When is the Diabetes Suraksha Package Recommended?

The Diabetes Suraksha Package is recommended in following conditions:
  • Suspected to have diabetes
  • Already diagnosed with diabetes
  • Regular diabetes monitoring
  • Monitoring if you are on other medications like steroids
  • Before any surgical intervention
  • After a surgical intervention
  • Before starting or adjusting diabetes medications
  • For gestational diabetes monitoring in pregnancy
  • Family history of diabetes
  • While managing complications related to diabetes
  • For monitoring the effects of lifestyle changes
  • In preparation for travel or major life events
  • To keep check on diabetic complications like neuropathy or nephropathy

Sample Collection for Diabetic Suraksha Package

For a Urine Sample
  • For a urine sample, you need to get your sample collected in a clean laboratory vial provided by the lab.
For a Blood/Serum/Plasma Sample
  • The area where the needle will be inserted to take your blood is cleaned with an antiseptic alcohol wipe. The hollow on the inside side of the elbow or the tip of the finger are the most common sites for this.
  • A tourniquet or a band is tied around your upper arm to facilitate access to the vein in your arm.
  • A needle is used to puncture your vein. The blood sample is collected into a test tube attached to the needle. The needle may cause a small pinch or sting when it is inserted.
  • Once the vial or test tube is filled, the blood sample collection for the test is finished, and the needle is taken out.
  • Finger pressure is applied to the puncture site to stop the bleeding, and the bandage is applied at the site.

Preparation for Diabetic Suraksha Package

  • You need to fast for at least 10-12 hours before giving samples for this comprehensive testing.
  • Drink adequate water before sample collection.
  • Avoid vigorous physical activity before the sample collection.
  • Follow the preparatory instructions as guided by your doctor.

How to Schedule a Diabetes Suraksha Package with Dr. B. Lal Lab?

  • Go to the Dr. B. Lal Lab website.
  • Go to the "Book a test" tab.
  • Select the "Health Packages" tab.
  • Type "Diabetes Suraksha Package" in the search bar.
  • Click on the package.
  • The package page with all the inclusive test details will show up.
  • Click on "Book Now".
  • Login and verify your mobile number with OTP.
  • Now enter your details.
  • Select date & time for booking Diabetes Suraksha Package in jaipur.
  • Check out.

How to Download a Test Report?

  • Wait for notifications informing that your test reports are ready.
  • Once you get the notification log in to your account at Dr. B. Lal Lab website.
  • Go to "My Reports".
  • Download the report to assess your health status.
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