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What is the C/S Aerobic Bacteria By BacT/ALERT 3D (Blood) Test ?

The Culture Aerobic Blood (Automated) test is done to check for the presence of an infection in the blood and identify its cause. It helps in diagnosis of a systemic infection caused by bacteria or yeasts in the blood. Automated cultures are more sensitive and efficient than conventional blood cultures.

What is the Purpose of the C/S Aerobic Bacteria By BacT/ALERT 3D (Blood) Test ?

To determine whether the bloodstream is infected, a blood culture test is performed. A blood culture test serves many purposes while examining for infections. These are:
  • Diagnosis: It is possible to verify if an infection is the source of a person's symptoms by having their blood tested for bacteria and fungi. Specific viral testing can be carried out if a virus is suspected.
  • Germ identification: A blood culture test enables the identification of the exact strain or type of germ causing an infection by culturing the microorganisms from a patient's blood in a laboratory.
  • Assessing infection severity: A blood culture test can reveal the type of germ as well as the severity of an infection, including if it has spread to the bloodstream. This is critical because blood infections have the potential to spread to other bodily parts. Sepsis, an inflammatory response with potentially fatal consequences, can also be brought on by blood infections.
  • Treatment planning: Following the growth of a germ in a blood culture test, susceptibility testing can be carried out in the lab to determine which kind of antibiotic is most effective against the germ.
  • Monitoring: Blood culture tests can be repeated to monitor the response of an infection to therapy and to ascertain when the blood is free of infection after the treatment.

When is a C/S Aerobic Bacteria By BacT/ALERT 3D (Blood) Test Recommended ?

If you have following symptoms, then C/S Aerobic Bacteria By BacT/ALERT 3D (Blood) Test is advised:
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Rapid breathing
  • Low blood pressure
  • Confusion
  • Gastrointestinal problems

Components of C/S Aerobic Bacteria By BacT/ALERT 3D (Blood) Test

  • Microscopy: Microscopy is done to examine the blood sample under a microscope to detect microorganism and infected cells
  • Organism: The sample is then cultured by incubating. The growth of specific microorganisms helps to identify the cause organism behind the infection
  • Result: In result, the identified microorganism is quantified

Interpreting the C/S Aerobic Bacteria By BacT/ALERT 3D (Blood) Test Results

  • A negative test result: It means that no germs grew in the culture.
  • A positive test result: It means that one or more germs developed in the dish. A positive result indicates the presence of germs in your blood. If the result comes out positive, then further investigatory and confirmatory tests are advised to determine the best treatment plan.

Preparation for C/S Aerobic Bacteria By BacT/ALERT 3D (Blood) Test

  • Unless otherwise directed by your doctor, there is no need for you to make any special preparations before the C/S Aerobic Bacteria By BacT/ALERT 3D (Blood) Test
  • Other blood tests can be carried out in addition to a C/S Aerobic Bacteria By BacT/ALERT 3D (Blood) Test. If your doctor advises you to have multiple tests at once, they may ask you to fast for a specific period of time prior to a blood test
  • Drink adequate water before sample collection
  • Follow the preparatory instructions as guided by your doctor
  • However, because certain medications may alter test results. Testing is typically done prior to beginning antibiotic treatment. Because of this, you should let your doctor know if you took any antibiotics before the test.

How is the C/S Aerobic Bacteria By BacT/ALERT 3D (Blood) Test Done ?

The Blood Sample for C/S Aerobic Bacteria By BacT/ALERT 3D (Blood) Test is taken in following steps:
  • The area where the needle will be inserted to take your blood is cleaned with an antiseptic alcohol wipe. The hollow on the inside side of the elbow or the tip of the finger are the most common sites for this.
  • A tourniquet or a band is tied around your upper arm to facilitate the access to the vein in your arm.
  • A needle is used to puncture your vein. The blood sample is collected into a test tube attached to the needle. The needle may cause a small pinch or sting when it is inserted.
  • Once the vial or test tube is filled, the blood sample collection for the test is finished and the needle is taken out.
  • Finger pressure is applied on the puncture site to stop the bleeding and the band aid is applied at the site.

How to Schedule A C/S Aerobic Bacteria By BacT/ALERT 3D (Blood) Test with Dr. B. Lal Lab ?

  • Go to the Dr. B. Lal Lab website.
  • Go to the “Book a test” tab.
  • Select the “Lab Test” tab.
  • Type “C/S Aerobic Bacteria By BacT/ALERT 3D (Blood) Test” in the search bar.
  • Click on the test.
  • The test page with all the test details will show up.
  • Click on “Book Now”.
  • Login and verify your mobile number with OTP.
  • Now enter your details. 
  • Select date & time for booking C/S Aerobic Bacteria By BacT/ALERT 3D (Blood) Test in Jaipur. 
  • Check out.

What is the Cost of a C/S Aerobic Bacteria By BacT/ALERT 3D (Blood) Test ?

The Price of a C/S Aerobic Bacteria By BacT/ALERT 3D (Blood) Test is Rs. 1000. However, cost of the test may fluctuate depending on following factors:
  • Other tests advised along with C/S Aerobic Bacteria By BacT/ALERT 3D (Blood) Test
  • Offers or discounts
  • Empanelment of the patient
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