The C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Quantitative Test (Serum) measures CRP, a protein produced by the liver and one of the most sensitive markers of inflammation. Elevated CRP levels often precede clinical symptoms like fever, helping assess the severity and progression of infections or inflammatory diseases. Persistent high CRP levels may indicate serious conditions, such as uncontrolled infections.
What is the CRP (Quantitative) Test ?
C-Reactive Protein (CRP) is one of the most sensitive acute-phase reactants for inflammation. CRP is synthesized by the liver. CRP elevations may not point towards specific disease but rather are useful for the detection of systemic inflammatory processes; to assess the treatment of bacterial infections with Antibiotics; to detect intrauterine infections with concomitant premature amniorrhexis; to differentiate between active and inactive forms of disease with concurrent infection. Measuring changes in the concentration of CRP provides useful diagnostic information about the level of acuity and severity of a disease, and can aid in monitoring disease progression and response to therapy.
What is the Purpose of the CRP (Quantitative) Test ?
CRP (Quantitative) Test is advised to for following analysis:
- Check for Infection: If you exhibit symptoms of inflammation in your body such as fever, chills, redness or flushing, nausea, vomiting, rapid breathing, and/or rapid heart rate, then this test can be advised.
- Guide treatment of Sepsis: A potentially fatal condition known as sepsis arises due to the body's reaction to a bacterial infection, causing widespread inflammation in the body.
- Monitor flare-ups: This test can be advised to monitor the flare-ups of a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.
- Assess the Treatment: It is used to check the efficacy of the treatment given to manage a chronic inflammatory condition.
When is a CRP (Quantitative) Test Recommended ?
If you have following conditions, then CRP (Quantitative) Test is advised:
- Bacterial or viral infection
- Symptoms such as Fever, Chills, Redness or Flushing, Nausea, Vomiting, Rapid breathing, and/or rapid heart rate
- Autoimmune disease such as Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus
- Minor inflammation
Components of CRP (Quantitative) Test
C-Reactive Protein: The Liver produces C-Reactive Protein (CRP) in response to inflammation or infection, which is an important indicator of inflammation in the body. Increased CRP levels can be a sign of both acute and long-term inflammatory diseases, including infections, autoimmune disorders, and Cardiovascular problems. When it comes to heart disease in particular, measuring CRP levels aids in early detection, monitoring, and right treatment choices. It also helps to determine the risk of complications.
Interpreting the CRP (Quantitative) Test Results
A slight increase in CRP (usually between 0.3 and 1.0 mg/dL) does not always indicate a medical condition that needs to be treated. Females who are undergoing hormone replacement therapy, or ones who have a high body mass index may have elevated CRP levels. Depression and insomnia can also be the cause behind elevated CRP.
A CRP level more than 1.0 mg/dL typically indicates that there is inflammation in your body. However, its results cannot not specify where or why this inflammation is present. Excessively elevated CRP levels have been linked to a number of infections, autoimmune disorders, malignancies, and lung and pancreatic disorders. For diagnosing the cause of your inflammation, your doctor might advise some more tests along with this.
Acute infections, serious autoimmune diseases, heart disease, and many other conditions can all cause inflammation in the body, which is indicated by abnormal CRP levels. The course of action will be determined by your symptoms, the reason you are seeking treatment, and your doctor's evaluation of the possible cause of your inflammation problems.
Preparation for CRP (Quantitative) Test
- Unless otherwise directed by your doctor, there is no need for you to make any special preparations before the CRP (Quantitative) Test.
- Other blood tests can be carried out in addition to a CRP (Quantitative) Test. If your doctor advises you to have multiple tests at once, they may ask you to fast for a specific period of time prior to a blood test.
- Drink adequate water before sample collection.
- Avoid vigorous physical activity before the sample collection.
- Follow the preparatory instructions as guided by your doctor.
How is the CRP (Quantitative) Test Done ?
The Blood Sample for CRP (Quantitative) Test is taken in following steps:
- The area where the needle will be inserted to take your blood is cleaned with an antiseptic alcohol wipe. The hollow on the inside side of the elbow or the tip of the finger are the most common sites for this.
- A tourniquet or a band is tied around your upper arm to facilitate the access to the vein in your arm.
- A needle is used to puncture your vein. The blood sample is collected into a test tube attached to the needle. The needle may cause a small pinch or sting when it is inserted.
- Once the vial or test tube is filled, the blood sample collection for the test is finished and the needle is taken out.
- Finger pressure is applied on the puncture site to stop the bleeding and the band aid is applied at the site.
What is the Cost of a CRP (Quantitative) Test ?
The Price of a CRP (Quantitative) Test test is Rs. 500. However, cost of the test may fluctuate depending on following factors:
- Other tests advised along with thyroid test
- Offers or discounts
- Empanelment of the patient
How to Schedule A CRP (Quantitative) Test with Dr. B. Lal Lab ?
- Go to the Dr. B. Lal Lab website.
- Go to the “Book a test” tab.
- Select the “Lab Test” tab.
- Type “CRP (Quantitative) Test” in the search bar.
- Click on the test.
- The test page with all the test details will show up.
- Click on “Book Now”.
- Login and verify your mobile number with OTP.
- Now enter your details.
- Select date & time for booking CRP (Quantitative) Test in Jaipur.
- Check out.