Fibrinogen is useful marker in the evaluation of several disease states including Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation, Liver disease, Inflammatory Disease and Malignancies High levels of Fibrinogen are associated with an increased risk for Cardiovascular ailments.Draw 6 mL of whole blood in 2 blue-top (Sodium Citrate) tube and gently mix by inverting. Transport the sample to the lab within 4 hours. If this isn’t possible, prepare PPP within 1 hour: First, centrifuge the sample at 3600 rpm for 15 minutes, then transfer the supernatant to a clean plastic tube. Centrifuge this supernatant again at 3600 rpm for another 15 minutes, and transfer the final supernatant (PPP) into a LABELED, clean plastic screw-capped vial. FREEZE IMMEDIATELY and ship FROZEN. DO NOT THAW.