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The Total T4 (Thyroxine) test measures the level of thyroxine, a key thyroid hormone, in the blood. T4 is crucial for regulating metabolism, energy levels, and growth. This test assists in diagnosing thyroid disorders, with elevated T4 levels potentially indicating hyperthyroidism and low levels suggesting hypothyroidism. It is often evaluated alongside T3 and TSH tests for a complete thyroid function profile.

What is the T4 Test ?

This test is done to monitor treatment with synthetic Hormones (Synthetic Triiodothyronine [T3] will cause a Low Total Thyroxine [T4] Monitoring treatment of Hyperthyroidism with thiouracil and other anti-Thyroid drugs Index of thyroid function when the Thyroxine-Binding Globulin (TBG) is normal and non-thyroidal illness is not present.

What is the Purpose of the T4 Test ?

T4 Test is advised to for following analysis:
  • Follow up on an abnormal TSH test result
  • Diagnose hyperthyroidism, a condition involving an overactive thyroid gland
  • Monitor T4 levels if you are on thyroid replacement therapy
  • Diagnose hypothyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid gland is underactive
  • Screen for an underactive thyroid gland in newborn babies
  • Evaluate other disorders, such as goiters, thyroid nodules, and problems with the pituitary or hypothalamus gland

When is a T4 Test Recommended ?

If you have following symptoms, then T4 Test is advised:

For Hypothyroidism:

  • Fatigue
  • Weight gain
  • Feeling cold
  • Painful joints and muscles
  • Dry skin
  • Thin and/or dry hair
  • Slow heart rate
  • Constipation
  • Depression
  • Irregular menstrual periods
  • Fertility problems

For Hyperthyroidism:

  • Weight loss
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty tolerating heat
  • Mood swings
  • Rapid or irregular heartbeat
  • Loose, frequent bowel movements

Preparation for T4 Test

  • Unless otherwise directed by your doctor, there is no need for you to make any special preparations before the T4 Test. 
  • Other blood tests can be carried out in addition to a T4 Test. If your doctor advises you to have multiple tests at once, they may ask you to fast for a specific period of time prior to a blood test.
  • Drink adequate water before sample collection.
  • Avoid vigorous physical activity before the sample collection.
  • Follow the preparatory instructions as guided by your doctor.

What is the Cost of a T4 Test ?

The Price of a T4 Test is Rs. 150. However, cost of the test may fluctuate depending on following factors:
  • Other tests advised along with this thyroid test for T4 Test
  • Offers or discounts
  • Empanelment of the patient

Components of T4 Test

  • T4 (Thyroxine): Thyroxine is a key Hormone produced by the Thyroid Gland. It helps to diagnose conditions like Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism by indicating if the Thyroid is underactive or overactive. Accurate T4 measurement is essential for managing Thyroid disorders and ensuring appropriate treatment.

Interpreting the T4 Test Results

The normal range of T4 levels in the Blood is 5.0 to 12.0μg/dL. 

If T4 results are lower than normal:

  • Hypothyroidism (due to Hashimoto disease or another medical condition that causes your thyroid to make too little T4)
  • Thyroiditis (thyroid inflammation)
  • Side effects from certain drugs
  • Congenital hypothyroidism (a condition that affects babies from birth)

If T4 results are higher than normal:

  • Hyperthyroidism, which may be caused by Graves disease or another medical condition that causes your thyroid to make too much T4
  • Thyroiditis (thyroid inflammation)
  • Toxic goiter (an enlarged thyroid with areas that make extra thyroid hormone)
  • Toxic thyroid nodule (a single lump on the thyroid that makes extra thyroid hormone)
  • Too much iodine in your diet
  • Noncancerous (not cancer) tumor in your pituitary gland

How is the T4 Test Done ?

The Blood Sample for T4 Test is taken in following steps:

  • The area where the Needle will be inserted to take your Blood is cleaned with an Antiseptic Alcohol wipe. The hollow on the inside side of the elbow or the tip of the Finger are the most common sites for this.
  • A tourniquet or a Band is tied around your upper Arm to facilitate the access to the Vein in your Arm.
  • A Needle is used to puncture your Vein. The Blood Sample is collected into a test tube attached to the Needle. The Needle may cause a small pinch or sting when it is inserted.
  • Once the Vial or test tube is filled, the Blood sample collection for the test is finished and the Needle is taken out.
  • Finger pressure is applied on the puncture site to stop the bleeding and the Band aid is applied at the site.

How to Schedule A T4 Test with Dr. B. Lal Lab ?

  • Go to the Dr. B. Lal Lab website.
  • Go to the “Book a test” tab.
  • Select the “Lab Test” tab.
  • Type “T4 Test” in the search bar.
  • Click on the test.
  • The test page with all the test details will show up.
  • Click on “Book Now”.
  • Login and verify your mobile number with OTP.
  • Now enter your details. 
  • Select date & time for booking a T4 Test in Jaipur. 
  • Check out.
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